JBJS Platinum
- 6 JBJS Journals (Print + Online)
- All JBJS CME activities including those approved by ABOS for SAE credits
- JBJS Clinical Classroom including over 4,000 assessment questions

- All JBJS CME activities including those approved by ABOS for SAE credits
- JBJS Clinical Classroom including over 4,000 assessment questions
JBJS Clinical Classroom Residency Programs
A perfect online orthopaedic learning platform for residents and educators, JBJS Clinical Classroom for Residency Programs offers a superior method of learning, rotation assessments, and exam preparation.
The 1-year subscription is not only the most cost-effective option for groups – it provides residency programs with Educator, an additional tool for monitoring and improving residents’ knowledge in all orthopaedic specialties. The platform is great for residents as a study tool and for attendings as a resource for earning CME credits.
For more information, please fill out an interest form or contact Aidan Smith, asmith@jbjs.org
JBJS Journals (Print + Online)
•Content across 11 subspecialties
•Review Articles
•Orthopaedic Videos
•Images (Infographics, Tables, Charts, Illustrations, Pictures, Radiographs, etc.)
•Unusual Cases (Case Reports)
•Podcasts/Audio -
CME activites created in the last calendar year
Continuing Medical Education credits earned in 2022
Website visitors in 2022